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Web Evolution

EDUA 6382 - Basic Applications of Media & Technology

Over the years, there have been significant changes in the digital world. Nowadays, people of all ages use social media to connect with others, learn, communicate, and discover new things. The term “Web,” previously known as the World Wide Web, was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. It aims to make the web a global public good and a basic right, serving humanity (World Wide Web Foundation, 2017). The Web has evolved over the years, and this article will specifically discuss Web 2.0 and Web 3.0

Web 2.0

What is Web 2.0? “Web 2.0” refers to the second generation of the World Wide Web. As mentioned in the “New Learning Paradigms” article, “the term “Web 2.0” appears from a brainstorming organized by Tim O’Reilly and Media Live International in 2004. (O’Reilly, 2005)”

According to Bartolome (2008), the term “Web 2.0” has caused a significant shift on the Internet and introduced new ideas for Education. This has resulted in the term “eLearning 2.0” being used since 2004. Bartolome (2008) points out that in Web 2.0, the network serves as the platform, and “any place” refers to any location on the network. This creates an environment for communication among students, peers, and tutors.

Professor Curt Bonk from Indiana University explained in the video “The World is Open: How Web 2.0 Technologies are Revolutionizing Education” that the learning century in education is the shearing decade. With the help of web technologies, children from different parts of the world can collaborate and work on projects together. (, 2011)

Web 3.0

The term “Web 3.0” refers to the third generation of the World Wide Web. According to Delaney (

2020) In the article “What is Web 3.0, really, and what does it mean for education?” Delaney (2020), one of the fundamental rules of Web 3.0 is to stop using that term, as it is Tim O’Reilly’s preference. Also, O’Reilly recognizes that the web is evolving and likely to bring significant changes to education.

TheTEDx Talks video “HowWeb 3.0 will change our lives? Phillipe Modard at TEDxULg” explains that even in Web 2.,0 the user can be the content producer and is more of a social change. The Web 3.0 is driven by technological change, where computers can comprehend and process information without human input. This results in time-saving and beneficial outcomes.

Does this mean that technology will replace the education system? Technology will not replace the education system. However, it can enhance education by assisting teachers and providing personalized learning opportunities. As Delaney (2020) mentioned, “Teachers will be able to develop engaging, interesting and more complex assignments that are supported by a variety of resources.” It is exciting to see what the future holds for the education system.

For future reference:


Bartolomé, Antonio (2008). Web 2.0 and New Learning Paradigms. eLearning Papers Nº 8.

ISSN: 1887-1542

Delaney, M. (2020, February 14). What is Web 3.0, really, and what does it mean for education? Technology Solutions That Drive Education. (2011, July 22). The World is Open: How Web 2.0 Technologies are Revolutionizing Education [Video]. YouTube.

O’Reilly, Tim (2005). What Is Web 2.0. Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next

Generation of Software. O'Reilly Network.

TEDx Talks. (2012, August 28). How web 3.0 will change our lives? Philippe Modard at TEDxULg [Video]. YouTube.

World Wide Web Foundation. (2017, July 10). Sir Tim Berners-Lee - World Wide Web Foundation. World Wide Web Foundation - Founded by Tim Berners-Lee, Inventor of the Web, the World Wide Web Foundation Empowers People to Bring About Positive Change.


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