UDL to Improve Student Engagement
EDUA 6378– Integration of Technology into the Curriculum
What is UDL?
UDL: Universal Design for Learning is a framework created by CAST to enhance and optimize the teaching and learning process for all individuals using scientific insights into how humans learn. (About Universal Design for Learning - CAST, 2022)
As explained in the article: Understood, Universal Design for Learning (Allison Posey, MEd, CAST, Inc., 2023), things “look different in every classroom, but cited commonalities, i.e., there is always a focus on building expert learning for all, learners understand the goal, there are intentional but flexible options for students to use, student access to these resources from the beginning and finally, students build and internalize their learning.
Therefore, the implementation may vary even though students engage in the same task, and the flexible options differ across developmental ages. Still, the framework for clear goals and flexible options is consistent regardless of the grade level or content area. (Allison Posey, MEd, CAST, Inc., 2023)
How have teachers leveraged technology to increase classroom engagement?
Teachers leverage technology by ensuring an inclusive learning environment that allows students to make learning choices aligned with their strengths. Through assessing different forms of technology and then using technology to provide learning opportunities, teachers’ educational plans strategically identify areas that go together with the student's strengths and mitigate the differences. Therefore, when utilized appropriately, technology can be a great equalizer because students' learning opportunities can be individualized, tailored, or designed to complement the student based on their needs and work at their own pace.
What has worked or not worked during past experiences as a teacher or student?
In my experience, when using differing technological tools, they are often not adapted for use by students with disabilities. For example, suppose one of the lesson's goals is for students to use a recording device to record themselves. In that case, they and other students will view these prerecorded videos and provide each other feedback. If the device does not have the capability to create closed captions in the video, this limits learning opportunities for deaf and hard-of-hearing students. The lesson learned from this experience was that teachers need to conceptualize the learning opportunity (lesson) so that all students can use the technology selected barrier-free. If this means that the teacher will do simulations of the activities to learn more about “what I am not seeing,” it will definitively create learning opportunities for students that inclusively complement their needs.
What questions should educators consider when planning engagement?
Some of the critical questions to consider when planning lessons for engagement, as cited by CAST (About Universal Design for Learning - CAST, 2022), the teacher needs to think about how learners will engage with the lesson.
First, think about how learners will engage with the lesson.
Question: Does the lesson provide options to help all learners: (1) Does the lesson regulate their learning? (2) Does the lesson sustain effort and motivation? (3) Is the lesson engaging and interesting to all learners?
Second, think about how information is presented to learners.
Question: Does the information provide options that help all learners: (1) Does the information help students reach higher levels of comprehension and understanding (2) Does the information help students understand the symbols and expressions? (3) Does the lesson help students perceive what needs to be learned?
Third, consider how learners are expected to act strategically and express themselves.
Question: Does the activity provide options that help all learners: (1) Can the students act strategically? Can the students express themselves fluently? Can the students physically respond?
About Universal Design for Learning - CAST. (2022, February 8). CAST. https://www.cast.org/impact/universal-design-for-learning-udl
Allison Posey, MEd, CAST, Inc. (2023). Universal design for learning. Understood. https://www.understood.org/articles/understanding-universal-design-for-learning