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Storyboards and Podcasts as Learning Tools

EDUA 6382 - Basic Application of Media & Technology

With the help of technology, learning has become more accessible than ever before. There are new and innovative tools to make learning more engaging and interactive. Storyboards and podcasts are two such tools that are becoming increasingly popular in the world of education and training. Let's explore how storyboards and podcasts can be used as effective learning tools.


Using storyboards can enhance the eLearning experience for learners. When planning an eLearning opportunity, a storyboard can help the trainer or presenter create a visual outline for the course content and navigation of the course or training.

In the article "Storyboarding for Instructional Design,” Robert Rector (n.d.) mentioned that eLearning developers use storyboards to understand visuals, interactions, text, or audio and how this will be navigated throughout the course. It is a digital road map that trainers or presenters use to maximize the positive impact of their eLearning presentations.

According to Pappas' (2023) article "12 Tips To Create Effective eLearning Storyboards," a storyboard is a map that guides eLearning professionals through every twist and turn of their eLearning course design, making eLearning design and development more efficient, helping illustrate ideas, and delivering engaging and visually rich eLearning experiences to their audience.

The Storyboard and the templates become a “fill-in” of the content the presenter would want to include in their presentations. They can guide and organize the presenter’s thoughts and populate the Storyboard in the precise place. These presentations could be much better from the start, focusing on context and giving meaning to each slide.

Storyboards can be used in different media to blend technology with just the exact need for the presentation; for example, in the article “Storyboarding for Instructional Design, slide 4”, the author cites the use in films, television, animation, fiction, business, interactive media, web development, software design, and instructional design and technology.


In the article "How to start a podcast: your No-Sweat, step by step guide to launching" by Gray (2023), his instructional guide was very useful in understanding the multiple steps and intricacies of creating Podcasts. Gray (2023) outlined a twenty-step process to start a podcast written in simple language so that almost anyone following these instructions will succeed. The twenty steps are either questions about the podcast or statements of choice, equipment, music, art coves, hosting platforms, websites, etc. Starting a Podcast is similar to baking a cake, where you have to basically understand all the ingredients required to bake a cake and then understand the sequence of adding and mixing them for the cake to bake and come out perfectly.

The article "Podcasting in Education: What Are the Benefits?" by Gray (2022) highlights how podcasting can benefit education. It explains that podcasts can be easily used in schools, universities, or colleges to engage students and enhance their learning and teaching practices. According to Gray (2022), education podcasts offer several benefits. They can be downloaded to almost any device, allowing students to plan their studying when it suits them best. Additionally, Gray (2022) points out that students are more likely to listen to podcasts during periods of time when students are not engaged in other activities, for example, while riding the bus, driving, or washing dishes.

In today's world, people are often busy and need to manage their time efficiently. Podcasts are a great way for students to multitask and make the most of their limited time. Professors who record their lectures as podcasts provide valuable study resources and greater flexibility for students to comprehend the learning materials (Gray, 2022).

In conclusion, storyboards and podcasts are two innovative and effective learning tools that can be used to teach a wide range of subjects in an engaging and interactive way. By using visuals and audio to represent content, learners can better understand and retain the information they are learning. Whether you are a teacher, trainer, or independent learner, consider incorporating storyboards and podcasts into your learning strategy. You may be surprised at how effective they can be.

For Future reference:


Canva. (2022, February 25). Design Storyboard Activities | Canva for Education [Video]. YouTube.

CTL at UofA. (2021, March 22). Using podcasts as an educational tool [Video]. YouTube.

Gray, C. (2023). How to start a podcast: your No-Sweat, step by step guide to launching. The Podcast Host.

Gray, C. (2022). Podcasting in education: What are the benefits? The Podcast Host.

Pappas, C. (2023). 12 Tips To Create Effective eLearning Storyboards. eLearning Industry.

Storyboarding. For Instructional Design. Robert Rector - PDF Free Download. (n.d.).


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