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ADDIE - Instructional Design Model

EDUA 6377 - Instructional Design

The ADDIE Model is a five-step procedure model that has been designed to assist educators in the technology field or who utilize technology to help execute my lesson or training plans. The benefits of the ADDIE model as communicated by Karla Boswell-Lewis in the ADDIE Model for Lesson Planning Strategy Sunday (StrategicEducationalServices Karla Boswell-Lewis, 2021), cites "good quality design so that it is designed to help the educator or trainer to get the best that can be obtained in the teaching-learning environment once you follow the procedures accurately; enables clear learning objectives so that I will know exactly where I want to take the learners of the class or training; ensures carefully structured content that will be aligned with your objectives and so will the assessment; it facilitates integrated media and provides relevant student or training activities, a model which you can utilize a variety of media as you prepare for your media and as you execute your lesson or training plan, and provides relevant student or employee activities; ensures assessment is strongly tied to desired learning outcomes; and it allows these design principles to be identified and implemented on a systemic and through basis." Although Boswell-Lewis, in the ADDIE Model for Lesson Planning for students or other trainees, I felt that this model could be adapted as a strategy for training adults in the workplace.

Analyze is the first of a five-step process. In this phase, the focus is on the analysis of the learner, learner styles, available resources, and existing knowledge of learners, all crucial as you utilize this model to plan for your learners (StrategicEducationalServices Karla Boswell-Lewis, 2021). Some of the things that I will be looking at when I think about the learner's or employee's skill sets and determine existing knowledge that they have, like thinking about the cognitive and prior knowledge employees may have from previous training and part of their prior experience. I will also analyze the physiological facet of planned training's effectiveness, as well as consider the individualized social and demographic data.

Design is the second of a five-step process. In this phase, my focus will be on identifying the learning objectives, translated to the learning materials that will be created and used as part of the employee training. Also, consideration will be given to the selection of media and technology and what sort of text will be utilized, whether we will use training videos and other audio resources, and whether we will have PowerPoint slides and ensure their relevance to meeting the training objectives. Consideration will be given to what I will be utilizing to help execute this training presentation and what training materials will be created and used. When finalizing the selection of media and technology, video, audio, PowerPoint, and slides, then deciding on the selection and use of technology such as an LMS, video, or social media. Finally, make a final decision on what exactly I will be utilizing as a part of the training presentation, understanding that this is where I will be designing my employee training, ensuring to focus on the training objectives and ensure they are all aligned to achieve the "end in mind".

Development is the third of a five-step process, and in phase, all the decisions from steps 1-2 are now created, which is to analyze and design. This takes into consideration the content to be used; the design consideration is now created for my employee training. The word description, the media pictures, and other resources have been selected. So, if I decide that employees will be taking a test on the materials presented, that is an option that I reserve. I will need to develop the test relevant to the content of the presentation, prepare the activities, place them in the appropriate part of the presentation or training activities, and determine how these will be viewed by the employees attending the training. I also have the option to utilize short quizzes or relevant games and see how this game will play and determine how this use of an app plays out as part of the training activities. This is also a good opportunity to include others to assist while I play and test the app to see if there are glitches and determine if it is working effectively. Preparing the tests or activities and placing them in the chosen LMS will then see how these will be viewed from the employee's perspective.

Implementation is the fourth of a five-step process, and in this phase, the training plan and all its relevant activities are being executed. All the activities designed and developed are now used in this development phase of employee training. This is the action stage of facilitating the employee training consistent with what I analyzed, what was designed, and what was developed. All the activities designed and developed are now used in this implementation phase.

Evaluation is the fifth of a five-step process. In this phase, this step allows the trainer or facilitator to analyze the employee's reception and participation, determine how well employees received the training, and gauge how well-engaged employees are active participants in the training. The trainer or facilitator may look at training objectives (were they attainable and did the training accomplish all the objectives for this training, did you have to leave out any of the objectives, what are you going to be doing for future training, were the objectives not geared towards the topic as effectively as planned, etc.), lesson objectives, training materials, did the tests work on google platform? Were there issues with employees being logged out before they completed the tests, etc.? Were the other materials utilized for the training, were they used as planned, or were there other challenges or issues? Finally, how were the assessments? Were they fair, and did any employees find mistakes? Is the trainer already making plans for future training presentations and contemplating the adjustments required to make these training opportunities more relevant and effective for the employees?


StrategicEducationalServices Karla Boswell-Lewis. (2021, May 23). ADDIE Model for Lesson Planning Strategy Sunday [Video]. YouTube.


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